Monday, February 25, 2008

something's broken

we have a window in our bathtub/shower. our house was built in 1923, and we still have the original windows and, in some cases, latches. (hello energy loss!) the window in our bathroom seriously needs to be replaced: It's rotten, moldy, and rusty.

while i was contemplating how it really needs to be fixed, it made me think about the lenten season again, and this build-up to easter that, for me as a protestant, was never really very powerful as a kid. i think i said before that easter was ALL about the easter bunny and a new dress; it was NOT about jesus. (ok, well we SANG about jesus in church that morning, but that was normal for a baptist girl...)

the window made me think about how i am broken, rusty, cracked, paint peeling off. what jesus did on easter, though, when he was resurrected, made me whole again.

i think it would be so beneficial for me to reconnect with my faith by meditating on this each day in some way. since i already read books for a living, trying to find a quiet space to sit and read yet another book, even if it's a GREAT one, about these thoughts would be setting myself up for failure. i thought instead i would give myself a project for the next days until easter (i wish i had thought of this on ash wednesday, but my brain doesn't operate at full capacity right now, what with a sleepless, teething 6-month old). i am going to try each day to take a picture of something that represents my brokenness, and in that process it will hopefully help me look with anticipation and wonderment toward the easter celebration and what jesus did there. after all, if i call myself a christian, this should be the biggest day of my year, right?

photo #1: rusty window


Amy said...

wonderful post and idea. i can't wait to see your process.

Jeromy Donlon said...
