Saturday, February 14, 2009

happy valentine's day

my orchid is just loaded with buds, and these two blooms finally opened for me, just in time for national heart day. this sure beats a bunch of roses that will die in 3 to 5 least that's how i feel.

and oh, you have to try these homemade cinnamon rolls. i tried to take my own picture, but they don't look pretty like emily's do. and i added a bit of orange peel and the juice from half a tangerine to my frosting. living in florida, everything MUST taste like citrus somehow. oh, and i doubled the recipe. although it's difficult to eat even one whole one of these. they are so dense and amazing. 

here's to st. valentine!


Karin said...

I can't wait to make these. I have been looking for an easy cinnamon roll recipe.

sew nancy said...

happy late valentine's
i love orchids
i carried them on my wedding day

Amelia Plum said...

that orchid is so beautiful. it's times like these, in the dead of winter in grey grey pittsburgh, that i totally envy all the vibrant color of your florida pictures. sigh!

Karin said...

Ok...I made them the other day and they were easy and AMAZING. Definately a keeper!

krystal said...

heh heh...i didn't need to click to know which "kristi" was commenting on mommy revolution. Hang in there! And hey, anytime you want a coffee break, you *know* i'm in!

Charlotte said...

i'd like to send you an email in response to one of your comments at MR. my email is just send me an email if you want to. no pressure--if you don't want to email a complete stranger, i totally understand.

hope you have a thoughtful Ash Wednesday & that you get a lot of work done today. And that you have a "good mom day." that's what i call it when all goes smoothly & i don't yell at my kids. :)