Wednesday, March 12, 2008

snaggle tooth

gillian lost her 4th baby tooth last night. she seems to be on some super speed record to lose all her baby teeth early. guess that's what happens when you get your first 4 baby teeth within a week's time at exactly FIVE months old...!


Amelia Plum said...

She has such pretty blue eyes. How old is Gillian? My son is 5 1/2 and nothing is even loose yet.

kristi said...

amelia, she turned 6 in december. sometimes i worry that she shouldn't be losing this many teeth so early, but a dentist friend says it's ok. she told us tonight that the OTHER top tooth is loose too! so my husband joked with her that she will have to start eating soup and ice cream. half that idea isn't bad to her...

kristi said...

oh, and she also sucks her thumb, which i think might make her teeth loose earlier too.